We offer services throughout Slovakia and the Czech Republic
Our 35 years of experience is applied to comprehensive engineering in the fields of noise, vibrations, and induced seismicity, and measuring and monitoring noise, vibrations, and induced seismicity in the living and working environments and assessing impacts on health. We prepare noise studies for all phases of project documentation, strategic noise maps and action plans for protection against noise; technical assessments; design, manufacture and installation of noise and vibration control measures. We are:
- certified by the Public Health Authority of the Slovak Republic to measure noise and vibration in the living and work environments; assess impacts on public health; and assess environmental health risks – noise and vibrations
- certified by the Environmental Ministry of the Slovak Republic to assess the impact of activities on the environment in the field of health protection, noise, and vibrations
- authorised by the Slovak Chamber of Civil Engineers to design noise control measures
Klub ZPSvovibroakustike, s.r.o.:
Ing. Ján Šimo, CSc. – director
Ing. Mgr. Michal Bugala, Ing. Ján Sobota, Ing. Lenka Pechancová, Ing. Marianna Kolibíková, Matúš Kunhart, Ing. Peter Petrák, CSc., Mgr. Zdeňek Kunhart, Ing. Peter Máňa
We are members of the Association of Technical Diagnosticians of the Slovak Republic for acoustics and vibrations – www.atdsr.sk
We are members of the Slovak Acoustical Society: SkAS – www.skakustika.sk
Our services
Meranie imisií hluku a vibrácií v životnom prostredí.
Viac infoMeranie expozície hluku a vibrácií v pracovnom prostredí.
Viac infoMeranie a monitoring hluku vibrácií a technickej seizmicity
Viac infoStavebná a priestorová akustika, technické zariadenie budov a akustický výkon
Viac infoProtihlukové steny, bariéry a zásteny, akustické vlastnosti ciest a dopravné stroje
Viac infoVibroakustické meranie a diagnostika strojov
Viac infoStrategické hlukové mapy, akčné plány a návrh protihlukových opatrení
Viac infoVibroakustické štúdie, technické posudky, protihlukové a antivibračné opatrenia.
Viac infoAkreditované meranie hladín intenzity zvuku
Viac infoOverenie akustických vlastností protihlukových stien pre zníženie hluku cestnej a železničnej dopravy použitím systému Adrienne.
Viac infoBezkontaktné meranie vibrácií kmitajúcich povrchov konštrukcií
Viac infoBlog
In our more than 25 years of operation in Slovakia, our clients have included institutions and companies such as:
Company no. | 36433781 |
Tax no. | 2022048996 |
VAT no. | SK 2022048996 |
If you would like to learn more, please contact us by phone or email, or fill in the contact form.
We have a fixed unit price that is inclusive of all the costs associated with completion of work anywhere in Slovakia.